who we are
college students promoting a love for the classics

The Massachusetts Senior Classical League is an organization dedicated to promoting the classics. We are part of the National Senior Classical League which is the college-level affiliate of the National Junior Classical League, both of which are under the supervision of the American Classical League. Our members are college students going to school in Massachusetts or other states, many of whom were once members of the NJCL.
Our members are active participants in the community and many are involved in other extracurricular activities in their school. New people are always welcome into the club as it's through their experience that we gain a new perspective in Latin. Besides attending schools in Massachusetts, today's active members go to school as far away as California, Wisconsin, New Jersey and New York.
Meetings typically occur once every month or two and usually in Boston, although other locations will be considered from time to time. The club also organizes an annual Certamen Day where high school students from all over the region are invited to participate in a competition that tests skills in areas ranging from Greek to Roman daily life.
In addition, we help out at the annual Classics Day in December and the annual state convention in April/May. At the convention, we organize and judge the arts contest, participate in our own "That's Entertainment" skit and host a mixer where perspective high school seniors are able to come and see what we are all about.
New members to the club are always welcome, and anyone is welcome to attend the meetings. Our club also has a Facebook group page. If you ever have any questions, posting to group will get you a response. For more urgent matters though, feel free to e-mail any of us.
what we do
from writing certamen questions to helping out at states, we do it all!

The Massachusetts Senior Classical League's primary goal is to assist the Massachusetts Junior Classical League with their annual state convention. We also write Certamen questions as well as academic tests, and meet socially several times during the school year. At least one of these meetings takes place in Central Massachusetts, though most are in the Boston metropolitan area.
Lastly, we provide funding to assist our members in attending the National Junior Classical League National Convention. Our mission is constantly evolving each year and we try to optimize the experience of every high schooler who is a member of the Junior Classical League so that they can be inspired to pursue Classics in their higher education.