How to become a member

All you have to do is pay your dues!

All members of the Massachusetts Senior Classical League are required to pay dues in order to be considered a member. If you are new to this organization, the dues for the National level are a one-time fee of six dollars and for our club, four dollars every year. So if you are a new member to the Senior Classical League, then send ten dollars to our treasurer, Jason Zou, at the address below. We will then take your check and pay the National club for you. If you have paid nationals the six dollars directly, let us know and we will verify that with them but you will still need to send a check for four dollars to Jason.

New! We now have a Venmo option for dues payment! You can send them to @francescanater.

Dues should be paid by the transitional meeting, that is, the first SCL meeting after State Convention, usually held in June.

If you are a secondary member, which means you are in graduate school, then your member dues are four dollars for the next four years for the national club and three dollars for every year that you are in our club. Again, you will have to send a check to Jason.

So everyone pay your dues! Without dues, you will not be able to vote or go to state and national convention legally. Also please make your checks payable to the 'Massachusetts Senior Classical League.'

You can contact our treasurer Jason at